the endless wooden path or the old moor:
On a sunny autumn afternoon we were driven to the old moor to soak up the very special peace and atmosphere that prevails in such old places.
Legends surround these places and myths - everything that is forgotten or simply pushed aside in our fast-moving times. It's these things that make life worth living...
So in peace and quiet and on foot, wringing out their secrets from the old places is never a waste of time

Unexpectedly one can come across high moors in the dark black forest... these old heavy areas where you can hardly breathe on hot summer days and where a very special feeling rises in you... Places where time seems to have passed and where it doesn't matter if you're there or not... because long after even your descendants won't talk about you anymore, it'll still be there just like the day you went there and you'll be there again and again, and if there are years in between, at some point you will be drawn back to soak up the atmosphere that is in the air.
Der Herbst hat Einzug gehalten und es ist ein letztes Aufbäumen des Sommers ehe die Nebel und die Herbststürme kommen und uns auf den Winter vorbereiten.
Aber das Licht im Herbst ist einfach ein Traum und es heißt Sonne tanken ehe die dunklen Tage kommen.

Die Wege lagen schon voller Laub und das Dach des Waldes ist schon ein gutes Stück gelüftet. Das bescherte mir aber viele Sonnenstrahlen an diesem Novembertag.